DrupalCamp NJ: Migrations, Integrations and Inclusion, Oh My!

While many were Super Bowl prepping on Saturday, February 2nd, a few of our staffers took to the stage for our “game day” at Princeton University’s DrupalCamp NJ 2019.
The Sessions
On Moving Mountains: Lessons for Migrating Data and Content for your Next Drupal Project
Together, our Principal and Founder, Marcus Iannozzi, along with our Senior Software Engineer, Aaron Bauman, delivered their session, “On Moving Mountains: Lessons for Migrating Data and Content for your Next Drupal Project.” They discussed strategies for planning data and content migrations throughout the life-cycle of a project. Their mantra? Do it early and often.
View the PDF here. View the video here.
Architecting an Ambitious Student Experience in Drupal 8: Cornell’s Opportunity Marketplace Case Study
For his solo session, our Senior Software Engineer, Aaron Bauman, took to the stage to share his experience partnering with Cornell University to leverage their Drupal and Salesforce expertise to connect systems and streamline processes across the university. Cornell’s Student Experience site is an intricate integration across three major platforms—Salesforce, Drupal, and Terra Dotta—and allows students to apply for study abroad programs and manage their applications in one location.
You may remember Aaron from DrupalCon Nashville 2018 when he delivered this session alongside Cornell University. He is also the maintainer of Drupal’s Salesforce Suite.
What’s New in WCAG 2.1?
Our front-end developer and web accessibility advocate, Kara Gaulrapp (hey, that’s me!), ramped up the DrupalCamp NJ audience with the latest additions to WCAG 2.1 and outlined what these changes mean for organizations and their accessibility initiatives.
Kara walked through these new additions with real-world examples and gave session-goers advice on how and when to implement WCAG 2.1 into their digital products and project processes.
View the PDF here. View the video here.
Where are we headed next?
Our conference season is in full swing! Come and chat us up at Florida DrupalCamp in sunny Orlando from Friday, February 15th through Sunday, February 17th. See you there!
Didn’t get a chance to see us?
Never hesitate to drop us a line if you’d like to know more about one of the topics we presented on!